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Helena Vondráčková | Oficiální internetové stránky

Birthday   live 94

3 ноября 1994
Музыка: John Lennon
Слова: Paul McCartney
Поет Гелена , Marta Kubišová и Václav Neckář

All:   They say it´s your birthday
it´s my birthday too - yeah.
They say it´s your birthday
we´re gonna have a good time.
I´m glad it´s your birthday.
Happy birthday to you.

M:    Yes we´re going to a party party
M+V Yes we´re going to a party party
All:   Yes we´re going to a party party

All:   Birthday - I would like you to dance
Birthday - take a cha-cha-cha-chance
Birthday - I would like you to dance

They say it´s your birthday
it´s my birthday too - yeah.
They say it´s your birthday
we´re gonna have a good time.
I´m glad it´s your birthday.
Happy birthday to you.


Golden Kids: Comeback